Sonnenskilauf in Lermoos!

Angebot für Jedermann und alle Könnenstufen

Ab 24.03.2025

Privatkurse Ski Alpin und Snowboard bis 21.04.2025
08:30 Uhr - 16:00 Uhr nach Verfügbarkeit
Treffpunkt nach Vereinbarung

Verkaufstelle Unterdorf 20 6631 Lermoos
Telefon + 43 5673 2840
Jetzt online buchen!

Verkaufsstelle mit Souvenirshop Sommer+Winter geöffnet
Montag – Freitag 08:00 - 12:00 | 14:00 – 18:00

Skischulbüro Kirchplatz 3 6631 Lermoos geschlossen

Wir freuen uns auf eine coole Zeit mit Dir!
Stay tuned on Facebook und Instagram!

Auf Wintersehen
Ihr Team Skischule Lermoos und BOBO der Pinguin


We enjoy sunny winter with you!


From 24.03.2025

Activities for everyone and all skill levels
We offer private lessons alpine skiing, snowboarding until 21.04.2025

Sales Office Unterdorf 20 6631 Lermoos
Telephone: +43 5673 2840
Book online now!

Sales office| Souvenir Shop open summer + winter
Monday - Friday 08:00 - 12:00 | 14:00 - 18:00

Head office Kirchplatz 3 6631 Lermoos closed


We are looking forward to good time with you!
See you here, stay tuned on Facebook and Instagram!

Team Skischule Lermoos and BOBO, the penguin.

Midday care at the Lermoos Ski School 

Your complete no-stress childcare service 

Pure joy every day 

Make new friends during the midday break in care

Receive the very best of care for your youngster around the clock at the Lermoos Pepi Pechtl Ski School.

  • Would your children like to spend their midday break with their siblings?
  • Perhaps you are unable to collect your children at midday?
  • Or the children are keen to spend their midday break with their new friends?
  • Would you simply like to enjoy a child-free day?

We offer quality childcare for your children during the midday break, on request.

Our little mascot Bobo and the team will make sure you have plenty of fun off the slopes as well 

Information – midday care for children

Care for junior ski school students during the midday break

Sunday - Friday 11:45 am - 1:45 pm

Meeting point:
in a restaurant near the Kinderland children's area

daily until 9:30 am at our ski school office or online

Enjoy a delightful, relaxing day on the slopes, secure in the knowledge that your children are in the best possible hands during the midday rest period as well as their lessons. Please send us your obligation-free enquiry with any questions, or simply contact us. The team at the Lermoos Ski School will be very happy to help!

Ski courses for children

Bambini (three-year-olds)

Bambini lessons for children

Our ski lessons for small children are conducted in very small groups and provide the perfect setting for intensive individual instruction. In the Kinderland area, our smallest students try their first exercises on skis, play in the snow and enjoy an amusing entertainment programme, and before long they are experiencing their first successes and a real sense of achievement. Young children are assisted by experienced and paedagogically trained ski instructors at the
Lermoos Ski School.


Children & teens skiing (from four years)

Children's & teens ski lessons

Our weekly programme offers children from four years & teenagers individual and child-friendly tuition. Our ski lessons provide targeted instruction and motivation for your children, as the specially-trained ski instructors teach the basic knowledge and skills of skiing techniques and safety on the snow.


Children & youth snowboarding (from eight years)

Children & teens snowboard lessons

The targetted instructional programme of our snowboard lessons teaches you basic techniques, valuable tips, cool tricks and, of course, all kinds of fun. The most important elements of the sport are perfect control of the board, a strong sense of fun and safety on the slopes.


Children & youth private & individual lessons

Private & individual lessons for children

great advantage of private or individual lessons is, of course, the intensive and personalised focus of the instruction and the undivided attention of your instructor. This allows for instruction to perfectly target your individual needs and skill level, guaranteeing significant progress in a very short space of time.


Sonnenskilauf in Lermoos!

Angebot für Jedermann und alle Könnenstufen

Ab 24.03.2025

Privatkurse Ski Alpin und Snowboard bis 21.04.2025
08:30 Uhr - 16:00 Uhr nach Verfügbarkeit
Treffpunkt nach Vereinbarung

Verkaufstelle Unterdorf 20 6631 Lermoos
Telefon + 43 5673 2840
Jetzt online buchen!

Verkaufsstelle mit Souvenirshop Sommer+Winter geöffnet
Montag – Freitag 08:00 - 12:00 | 14:00 – 18:00

Skischulbüro Kirchplatz 3 6631 Lermoos geschlossen

Wir freuen uns auf eine coole Zeit mit Dir!
Stay tuned on Facebook und Instagram!

Auf Wintersehen
Ihr Team Skischule Lermoos und BOBO der Pinguin


We enjoy sunny winter with you!


From 24.03.2025

Activities for everyone and all skill levels
We offer private lessons alpine skiing, snowboarding until 21.04.2025

Sales Office Unterdorf 20 6631 Lermoos
Telephone: +43 5673 2840
Book online now!

Sales office| Souvenir Shop open summer + winter
Monday - Friday 08:00 - 12:00 | 14:00 - 18:00

Head office Kirchplatz 3 6631 Lermoos closed


We are looking forward to good time with you!
See you here, stay tuned on Facebook and Instagram!

Team Skischule Lermoos and BOBO, the penguin.

Book & Enquire

Location & Arrival